Crossing the two-fifth mark

In the pursuit of becoming parents, we suffered plenty of heartaches, body aches and of course aches of knowing that we’ve exhausted our Medisave (thank god for that but no thanks that public hospitals are really rather incompetent and unable to tailor their treatment for special conditions) as well as possibly running into cash flow problems because of the huge amount of ka-ching we’re pumping into the bills we incur. 

Now that I’m finally pregnant, I constantly worry if my baby will be just fine and healthy. There are many possibilities that could happen and I can only constantly pray that all these will not happen to any children that are being conceived, especially mine.  

If you have read my past posts, you would have known that I’ve conceived via IVF, after many failed cycles of IUI, FET and fresh IVF cycles. The protocol I was given was different, and things were not any simpler with my existing hyperthyroid condition. 

The good thing is that my hyperthyroid has stabilised and now that I’ve crossed my 4th month, I’ve gone off all medications except health supplements. 

When I first conceived, I was still on the following medication:

Western Medicine:
(i) Fraxiparine x 1 daily, injection via tummy
(ii) Baby aspirin x 1 daily, oral
(iii) Progynova x 3 daily, oral
(iv) Utrogestan x 3 daily, oral
(v) Dhasalone x 1 daily, oral
(vi) Endometrin x 3 daily, vaginal insert
(vii) Proluton x 1 every alternate day, injection via bum

Chinese Medicine:
(i) AM – Ginseng powder with special formula to encourage healthy blood circulation and baby’s growth
(ii) PM – Physician’s prescribed pre-packaged medicine

Sounds like a lot of pills for some but this extensive support ensured my body was very well-supported to support the pregnancy and I’m very grateful to have Angela and Racheal (Angela’s nurse) looking after me. 

Besides the medication, I also had blood tests every 3 days to ensure that the hormonal levels – E2, Progesterone as well as beta-HCG were within the healthy range as a low level of progesterone may well suggest deficiency in the level of support and that a miscarriage could occur. 

This went on till 10 weeks where we had a scare. Though at this point in time, it’s not deterministic, we have made a decision not to pursue. We’ll keep our precious little one. I’ll talk more about this in another post. That’s a story on its own. 

Now I’m in my 16 weeks, going onto 17. I am due in another 3 weeks for the anomaly scan at 20th week. Please pray for me and my baby that we’ll be fine and healthy. God bless us. 

2 thoughts on “Crossing the two-fifth mark

  1. Hi,
    I chanced upon your blog. I’m on my 2nd failed IVF in KKH. Really considering CARE with Dr Angela. How was your outcome?


    1. Hi Junior, I am expecting now and am in my 32 weeks. I would recommend having a consultation session with her and let her know your concerns. The session will also let you find out more about her, her style, how she intends to differentiate your treatment to improve the outcome etc. Bring along your blood tests and she’ll probably put you through some tests to determine the best course of action for you. Let me know if you have any other questions. 🙂


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